Herbal Cough Drop Recipes
You will find even your children will enjoy sucking on them!
Herbal Deodorant Recipes
We have found you can mix and match you favorite essential oils. This deodorant has a sage, earthy fragrance. Most essential oils have anti-microbial properties and anti-odor properties. Look at your favorite deodorant and use those essential oils.
Herbal Facial Recipes
The following is a wonderful facial cream recipe, excerpted from the book Herbal Healing for Women, by Rosemary Gladstar. It provides nourishment, moisture, and food to the skin, and is relatively simple and inexpensive to make!
Herbal Medicinal Oil & Salve Recipes
Moisture tends to cause medicinal oils and salves to deteriorate and spoil quickly, so you will need to use dried herbs (like those we sell) rather than fresh herbs. Of course, you could dry your own herbs, as well.
Herbal Shampoo Recipes
Herbs are nutritious, cleansing. and fragrant: Why not make truly “cleansing” products – something natural and pure – without the petroleum base and all those chemicals with names you can’t pronounce?
Herbal Syrup Recipes
Start by placing the herbs you wish to use in boiling water.
Herbal Tincture & Liniment Recipes
The beauty of tinctures is that once they are prepared, they have a very long shelf life and – when needed – they are quickly assimilated by the body.
How to Make Herbal Compresses and Poultices
To make a poultice it is best to employ herbs in a ground form.
How to Make Herbal Lip Balms
Lip balms are created just like salves, differing only in the ingredients: First, you make the medicinal oil. Then, you add beeswax to turn it in to a salve.
How to Make Suppositories
These suppositories are made with coconut oil or glycerine. They melt fairly quickly upon contact with body temperature, and are readily absorbed by the body, to soothe and heal or arrest infection.
We recommend Wilderness Family Naturals products because of their integrity and quality. However, other online retailers and natural food stores may also carry similar goods. Whenever, possible we have tried to give you information on how to recognize superior products. Wilderness Family Naturals products can be found at: www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com or by calling (800) 945-3801.