Author: Francis Stevens, MD
Yohimbe bark comes from South America and Tropical West Africa. It is said to enlarge blood vessels and increase reflex excitability in the sacral (lower) region of the spinal cord. It has the ability to increase the blood flow to the genitals, both male and female. It is said to stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia, […]
The Spanish used to boil the root to make a tea for coughs, colds, sore throats, mucus, stomach-aches, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can be used for upper-respiratory complaints as an infusion or a syrup. It is an old remedy for tuberculosis. Yerba Santa has a strong stimulant action primarily on the lungs. It acts as […]
Yerba Mate is a popular beverage in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Some people add burnt sugar, lemon juice or milk to the drink. Aside from it’s use as a popular drink there are also therapeutic claims made concerning its use in herbal preparations. Yerba Mate herbal preparations come from the dried leaves of an evergreen […]
Yellow Dock is an excellent blood cleanser and tonic. It attains its tonic properties through the astringent purification of the blood supply to the various glands. Yellow Dock purifies the blood by increasing the ability of the liver and related organs to strain and purify the blood and lymph systems. This herb is sometimes used […]
Taken as a hot tea, Yarrow will naturally increase the bodies temperature, open skin pores, stimulate free perspiration, increase elimination, and equalize the circulation thus making it an important herb for colds and fevers. This herb is considered very effective where there are symptoms of fever and/or chills and constant nasal drip. Yarrow has a […]
Wormwood is a good remedy for liver troubles and jaundice. It will expel worms and is good in chronic diarrhea. It has been useful for all complaints of the digestive tract such as constipation and indigestion. It is quite helpful for an acid stomach. It was used medicinally for colds. Fomentations wrung out of the […]
Wood Betony is an excellent remedy for head problems as with pain in the head, headaches, and face twitching. It relaxes nervous tension as well as opens up constrictive blood vessels that are the basis for the headaches. Wood Betony is used in combination with other herbs for treating rheumatism and other diseases which stem […]
Witch Hazel possesses a unique kind of astringency whose main focus of action is on the venous system, acting to restore tone, health, and vigor throughout that system. Witch Hazel’s astringent action will stop bleeding both internally and externally. It will reduce swelling and inflammation and helps to relieve varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It can […]
There is an oil in wintergreen leaves that has properties similar to aspirin. Wintergreen oil has been applied externally to treat inflammation of the joints and muscles and to reduce swelling. It can be taken internally as well to relieve pain. The leaves contain menthyl salicylate, which like aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties. When used topically […]
Wild Yam is used for and upset digestive tract caused by not enough bile for digestion, and gallstones in the gall bladder, abdominal and intestinal cramps. It is also good for chronic problems with gas or flatulence. Wild Yam root yields an important alkaloid substance which relaxes the muscles of the stomach walls and the […]