Arrowroot is indigenous to Central America and is found today in all tropical regions around the world. The root is a washed and peeled and then macerated. Then the starch is extracted using water and purified by repeated sieving and dried in the sun. The resulting powder is 25-27% starch. Arrowroot is believed to increase […]

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Parts Used: Flowers are preferred to the root. Arnica has been approved by Commission E for fever and colds, inflammation of the skin, cough/bronchitis, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, rheumatism, common cold, blunt injuries, and things that tend towards infection. Other traditional uses of Arnica are for edema and swelling, bruises, cuts, arthritis, sore […]

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Star Anise is a tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall which grows Asia. The seeds of the Star Anise tree are used as an expectorant and anti-spasmodic for the gastro-intestinal tract. The essential oils of the seed act on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract and the mucous membrane of the […]

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Initially used as a flavoring, but now used similarly to fennel to improve the flavor of herbal formulas. It is useful when mixed with or taken with other herbs to give them a palatable flavor and is frequently used in cough medicines. This herb has been used for thousands of years to freshen breath. The […]

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This plant was used during the great plague in Europe. Angelica and a few other herbs were made into a tea and drunk twice a day. Formerly Angelica was used for typhoid. Today it is mainly valued for its stimulating effects on the digestive tract. Angelica is used for digestive, heartburn, gas and bronchial problems. […]

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There are studies which show Alfalfa to lower cholesterol levels by 25 % when monkeys, rats, and rabbits were fed high cholesterol diets. Alfalfa has been shown to help in bleeding disorders. It has been used to treat diabetes and malfunctioning thyroid glands. The saponin contents benefit the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems. Alfalfa has […]

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Agrimony’s medicinal properties are due to the large amounts of tannin. It has a slight pleasant fragrance and a tangy, bitter taste. Agrimony is high in the nutrients which are necessary for normal healthy functioning of the body, especially of benefit to the colon, intestines, kidneys, gallbladder. liver and stomach. It is used for diarrhea […]

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