Wild Ginger Root
Wild Ginger is a low growing perennial that is native to northern and central United States as well as southern Canada.
This plant has been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some dentists use an oil made from this plant as a painkiller. It has also been used to inhibit cancer growth.
People have also used this herb for chest pain (caused by heart problems) irregular heartbeats, and intestinal gas.
Bodily Influence:
Analgesic: This herb relieves pain
Anesthetic: This herb deadens sensation and reduces pain
Anti-bacterial: This herb destroys or stops the growth of bacterial infections
Anti-carcinogenic: This herb aids in dissolving tumors and in fighting cancer
Anti-fungal: This herb destroys or prevents the growth of fungi.
Antiseptic: This herb combats and neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and prevents infection
Anti-tumor: This herb helps to destroy or inhibit tumors
Cardiac: This herb is a heart tonic and restorative
Carminative: This herb relieves intestinal gas pain and distension; promotes peristalsis