Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel possesses a unique kind of astringency whose main focus of action is on the venous system, acting to restore tone, health, and vigor throughout that system. Witch Hazel’s astringent action will stop bleeding both internally and externally. It will reduce swelling and inflammation and helps to relieve varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It can also be used for nose bleeds, scratches and any other minor bleeding.

Tinctures and poultices of Witch Hazel are commonly used. Poultices are good for wounds, sores, sore and inflamed eyes, bed sores, or any oozing skin. Compresses many be used for many of these things and are good for headaches, insects bites, skin irritations and burns.

Witch Hazel leaves as an infusion are useful in treating female congestive conditions of the uterus, cervix and vagina including vaginitis and prolapsus. It will stop excessive menstruation and hemorrhages.

Indians drank Witch Hazel tea as a general tonic and used it as a gargle for mouth and throat irritations. Which Hazel steam baths were very beneficial in helping to loosen heavy phlegm and coughing it up. It has a slight sedative property when taken internally.

Witch Hazel has been one of the commonest home remedies in America. Consisting of a distillation of Witch Hazel bark, twigs, and leaves mixed with alcohol and water. It has been used mainly as an astringent. Witch Hazel fomentations can be applied to strained and bruised muscles or as a cold compress over the temples for fever.

Witch Hazel is a non-toxic substance that can be used in the cleansing and toning of the skin and to help prevent the oily build-up on the skin. It is used in great quantities as an astringent skin cleanser, in body lotions, aftershaves, massage liquids, etc.

For use internally, steep a heaping tsp. in a cup of boiling water for 30 min. Take 1 or more cupfuls a day. Do not drink Witch Hazel purchased from the drug store. It contains isopropyl alcohol which is poisonous and intended to be used externally only. To stop bleeding you may apply the powdered herb directly to the wound or snuff up the nose for a nosebleed. An enema of the tea will stop diarrhea. Injecting the powdered root into the rectum will shrink hemorrhoids. Do this 4 times a day and after each stool. You may also make your own suppositories using this herb. They work great.

Bodily Influence:
Astringent: This herb has a constricting or binding effect, for example: one that checks hemorrhages or secretions by coagulation of proteins on a soft surface

Tonic: This herb restores, nourishes, and supports the entire body; it exerts a gently strengthening effect on the body

Anti-phlogistic: Anti-phlogistic: An herb that counteracts inflammation.

Sedative: This herb exerts a quieting, soothing or tranquilizing effect; sedatives may be local, general, nervous or vascular

Styptic: This herb contracts blood vessels and will stop a hemorrhage by astringent action